Sometimes, a show pitch gets really close. This is one of those that deserved to get on the air, but didn't quite make it (yet!). Done for the great creative team of Diane Kredensor, Jeff Buckland, and Jack Spillum at Tricycle. Shows have gotta have a look: "brand" forms, and a palette that can be spotted by a kid flying past a station, or an app, on a hand-held something, or at a store shelf. There's too much spiky generic design out there- good feeling makes the brand. This is a sort of fairy tale "Colorforms" world, with a touch of UPA, hopefully a lot of fun, and a sweet kind of softness that makes Math -the show's subject- seem not so hard. ( At least I thought it was hard when I was a kid...)
A background (very) rough that didn't make it to color this time...with tiny versions of Diane's super cute characters. Development happens so fast these days, your first pass is usually all you get.
The lessons of my three near-death experiences (don't try this at home) each of which can lead you to realize that Heaven is a state-of-being that you can find here & now! Available now direct or at Amazon, B&N, and all fine booksellers; from Llewellyn Books.
If you have experienced, or are experiencing death in your life, I'd like to give you what I've learned about it in an easy way, in my fun (but serious) book that's designed to help you cope with the fears and feelings you may have, available now direct, or at all major book sellers, from Conari Press
The Website
Join me at my new website, where you can link to my books, writing, contact, and more!
The art and writing of Robert Kopecky, author of How to Survive Life (and Death), A Guide to Happiness in This World and Beyond,and How to Get to Heaven (Without Really Dying).
Art, Faith, and the Koko Lion is a uniquely spiritual blog from the author, illustrator/designer, and 3 time "Near Death" survivor, consisting of:
Art - personal and professional work, animation design & illustration.
Faith - articles and observations of a spiritual and experiential nature.
The Koko Lion - a character of personal or anonymous memoir–stories from The School of Hard and Soft Knocks, and Tales of unavoidable transformation.
your host
media & contact
Follow me on Twitter and like my Facebook Authors Page for all media updates. Contact me atrobt.kopecky@gmail.comif you'd like to order books directly, have me to speak at your event; or if you need help with issues of life, death, loss, grief...I'll help if I can, and the advice you'll get is always worth more than you'll pay for it (n/c).
Don't Be Put-off By This (Spiritual), It's Really Fun to Read Reading List
A Course in Miracles
A Joseph Campbell Companion (ed.)
A Practical Guide to Know Yourself -Maharshi
A Return to Love -Williamson
Bases of Yoga -Aurobindo
Being, Consciousness, Bliss -Fitzgerald
Black Elk Speaks
Christ the Yogi -Ravindra
Crest-Jewel of Discrimination -Shankara/Prabhavananda, Isherwood
Ethics of the Sages Pirke Avot -Shapiro
Finding the Hidden Self: The Shiva Sutras -Worthington
Food For the Gods -Berry (ed.)
Gnana Yoga -Vivekananda
Gnosticism -Hoeller
Good Life, Good Death -Gehlek
How to Know God: The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali -Isherwood/Prabhavananda
I Am That -Maharaj
Infinite Life – Thurman
Jesus and Yahweh – Bloom
Jung and the Lost Gospels – Hoeller
Man is Not Alone - Heschel
Misquoting Jesus -Ehrman
Not Always So -Suzuki
Parallel Worlds -Kaku
Power Vs. Force -Hawkins
Quantum Shift in the Global Brain -Laszlo
Real Magic -Dyer
Rebirth and Karma – Aurobindo
Science and the Akashic Field -Laszlo
Suicide and the Soul – Hillman
Teachings of The Buddha -Kornfield (ed.)
The Bhagavad Gita -Easwaran
The Bhagavad Gita – Gandhi
The Book of Secrets -Chopra
The Captain's Verses -Neruda
The Dhammapada -Easwaran
The Divine Matrix -Braden
The Enlightened Mind -Mitchell (ed.)
The Essenes -Manitara
The Essential Mystics -Harvey (ed.)
The Essential Rumi – Barks
The Field -McTaggart
The Future Evolution of Man -Aurobindo
The Game of Life -Shinn
The Gnostic Jung and the Seven Sermons to the Dead – Hoeller
The Gospel of Thomas -Leloup
The Great Path of Awakening – Kongtrul
The Hermetica -Freke/Gandy
The Hope -Harvey
The Medium, The Mystic, and the Physicist -LeShan
The Original Jesus, Buddhist Christianity -Gruber, Kersten
The Passover Plot -Schonfield
The Power of Myth -Campbell
The Power of Now -Tolle
The Sacred Power of Huna -Morrell
The Secret Teachings of All Ages -Hall
The Soul of Rumi -Barks (trans/ed.)
The Spiritual Roots of Yoga -Ravindra
The Spirituality of Imperfection -Kurtz/Ketcham
The Tao of Physics -Capra
The Tao te Ching -Lao Tzu/Star, Mitchell, Rosenthal
The Three Pillars of Zen -Kapleau
The Undiscovered Self -Jung
The Upanishads -Mascaro (ed.)
The Way to God -Gandhi
Upanishads -Easwaran
When Things Fall Apart -Chodron
Your Sacred Self -Dyer
Zen Mind, Beginner Mind -Suzuki
A,F,&tKL Around the Web
Look for the dancing blue elephant by the river when you're surfing the internet at sites like, Soul Life Times, The Mindful Word, Reality Sandwich, Spiritual Networks, Twitter, and others, for blogs from the files of A,F,&tKL
art (animation & illustration) and heart (spiritual & scholarly) websites and blogs
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